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Amber Beverage UK adds Orsadrinks (ODK) to portfolio

Published:  10 January, 2025

Amber Beverage UK (ABUK) has become the exclusive UK distributor for a Piedmont-based manufacturer of fruit purees, syrups and RTDs, after being impressed by the company's “unrivalled sourcing, quality, authenticity and design”.


Shipping direct: One foot in the vineyard

Published:  03 February, 2020

There are pros and cons to buying direct, but there are certainly reasons indies should consider the option, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


How to build a restaurant wine list

Published:  16 October, 2019

When a new restaurant is launched everyone focusses on the food (and more often than not the person behind the food), but how do you put the wine list centre stage?


Balance of power shifts to producers as bulk wine outstrips bottled supply

Published:  27 February, 2018

Unpredictability is the new norm, securing supply has become more critical than price and power has shifted from buyers to producers.


Independents: The art of being a specialist

Published:  16 October, 2017

Having a speciality can be a boon for a merchant. Andrew Catchpole invites a few to share the pros and cons of sourcing, selling and communicating such an offer