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Friday read: Packaging up an eco ecommerce strategy

Published:  29 April, 2022

Santiago Navarro, CEO & founder of Packamama – the climate tech packaging provider spun from Garçon Wines – made his name in the creation and supply of eco-flat bottles which re-launched Accolade’s eco brand, Banrock Station, in the Co-op in 2020. Here, he dives into how wine brands and manufacturers can leverage packaging to capitalise on ecommerce, whilst responding to long-term changing consumer preferences, including sustainability.


Kingsland Drinks backs eco wine brand with new listings

Published:  27 October, 2021

Kingsland Drinks is expanding the reach of eco wine brand The Hidden Sea with new listings in both Booths and Asda.


Q&A: Santiago Navarro, CEO and co-founder, Garçon Wines

Published:  02 December, 2020

Harpers has something of a packaging focus in this month’s issue, due to be published this Friday 4 December. As a preview, we caught up with Santiago Navarro, the creative force behind flat bottle innovator, Garçon Wines. Made from 100% recycled plastic, this innovative new format scored a major partnership with Accolades Wines this year, which will see a number of the company’s brands launch with the flat bottle format. Starting with the installation of a ‘flat’ bottling line at the company’s Bristol manufacturing base – the first of its kind in the UK – the company is now looking ahead to its imminent UK supermarket debut with the re-launch of Accolade’s eco brand, Banrock Station, in the Co-op. We spoke to Navarro about his ambition to re-shape the wine aisle.


Bacardi debuts biodegradable bottle

Published:  21 October, 2020

Bacardi has unveiled plans to develop the “world’s most eco-friendly spirits bottle” which will biodegrade in 18 months.