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Majestic and Moët launch fizz fundraiser for Drinks Trust

Published:  21 May, 2020

Majestic and Moët & Chandon have clubbed together to create a new fundraising initiative for The Drinks Trust.


Concha y Toro provides lab for Covid-19 testing

Published:  30 April, 2020

Concha y Toro’s Centre for Research and Innovation (CRI) in Chile has had its lab certified for Covid-19 testing. 


The Drinks Trust reaches £1m milestone

Published:  30 April, 2020

The Drinks Trust has raised just over £1m via its campaign launched in March to support the people of the drinks industry who have been left in financial crisis as a result of coronavirus (Covid-19).   


Distillers charity pledges £50,000 to The Drinks Trust

Published:  28 April, 2020

The Distillers’ Charity has pledged £50,000 to The Drinks Trust’s Covid-19 Emergency Fund.


News round up: All the world’s a (virtual) stage

Published:  24 April, 2020

As the pandemic continues to run it's grim course, news of new initiatives, charitable acts, mutual support and sharing continue to pour into Harpers' inbox, with the trade excelling itself when it come to showing an imaginative and caring face. Here are just some of those many acts and events that have caught our eye this week.


Campari partners with The Drinks Trust and Tipjar to launch hospitality relief fund

Published:  23 April, 2020

Campari UK has joined forces with The Drinks Trust and Tipjar to launch a relief fund as part of Campari Group's global 'Shaken Not Broken' initiative to provide support to front-line workers in the hospitality industry during and following the Covid-19 pandemic. 


Hatch Mansfield and Villa Maria latest to support The Drinks Trust

Published:  17 April, 2020

Hatch Mansfield and Villa Maria have become the latest to support The Drinks Trust’s Covid-19 Emergency Fund.


Whisky.Auction raises in excess of £100,000 for The Drinks Trust

Published:  16 April, 2020

The Whisky.Auction has raised a grand total of £104,184 via its charity auction in support of The Drinks Trust’s Covid-19 Emergency Fund.


Campari UK employees make £16,000 personal donation to The Drinks Trust

Published:  15 April, 2020

The Drinks Trust has received a £16,000 donation from the 60-strong employees of Campari UK who have pulled together to help fellow colleagues in the drinks industry by making personal donations. 


Drinks Trust Covid-19 Relief Fund extended until 14 April, 7pm

Published:  10 April, 2020

The window for applications to The Drinks Trust Covid-19 Financial Relief Fund has been extended until Tuesday 14 April, 7pm, to allow an extra working day post the Easter Bank Holiday.


The Drinks Trust Emergency Fund goes live

Published:  06 April, 2020

The Drinks Trust Covid-19 Emergency Fund went live today (6 April) and will remain open until Friday 10 April.


The Drinks Trust raises over £400,000 via coronavirus campaign

Published:  31 March, 2020

The Drinks Trust has fundraised over £400,000 to date via its campaign launched earlier this month to support the people of the drinks industry who have been left in financial crisis as a result of coronavirus (Covid-19). 


Ridgeview supports Hospitality Action

Published:  26 March, 2020

Ridgeview has pledged to support Hospitality Action via a new initiative that will see the Sussex winery donate £2 for every bottle of its sparkling wine sold online to the charity. 


CyT urges ‘big players’ to support Drinks Trust coronavirus campaign

Published:  25 March, 2020

Concha y Toro (CyT) has urged ‘larger’ drinks companies to support The Drinks Trust’s coronavirus (Covid-19) campaign launched last Thursday by the drinks charity. 


The Duppy Share launches charity ‘self-isolation’ kit

Published:  19 March, 2020

The Duppy Share has launched Home Rum - a self-isolation kit for rum lovers, with all profits going to Hospitality Action - a charity dedicated to supporting the industry during times of crisis.  


The Drinks Trust launches Covid-19 fundraising and support campaign

Published:  19 March, 2020

The Drinks Trust, formerly The Benevolent, has launched a campaign to support the individuals of the industry through the weeks ahead, and also to fundraise to help deliver that support. 


Big changes as The Benevolent becomes The Drinks Trust

Published:  13 March, 2020

Drinks trade charity The Benevolent has rebranded as The Drinks Trust, it was announced at its annual fundraising ball at the Natural History Museum in London last night.


The Benevolent turns silent auction live

Published:  22 November, 2019

The Benevolent has this morning turned its second online auction live.


SWAF pledges its support to six new projects

Published:  13 November, 2019

The Scotch Whisky Action Fund (SWAF) has announced a list of six projects that it will be supporting over the coming year as part of its ongoing commitment to tackling alcohol misuse.


Run Bacchus racks up £6,500 and counting for The Benevolent

Published:  12 September, 2019

Thirty members of the trade are celebrating a winning fundraising effort for the UK’s drinks charity.