Spain embraces a modern approach
Jo Gilbert catches up with top Spanish specialists to identify the leading current and future trends.
Read more...Jo Gilbert catches up with top Spanish specialists to identify the leading current and future trends.
Read more...It’s difficult to gauge how much is known in the UK about the white wine grape Koshu. Hailing almost exclusively from Yamanashi prefecture’s Katsunuma region – the ‘birthplace’ of Japanese viticulture – the wine remains largely shrouded in mystery to the UK trade, despite Koshu of Japan’s faithful annual tastings.
Read more...Harpers partnered with Wines of Germany for its Big G closing debate, which mulled over the topic ‘A wine for all reasons: why German wine is the smart choice’. These extended highlights give a flavour of that far-reaching discussion and what indie retailers and restaurateurs alike can do to boost their German category sales. Andrew Catchpole reports.
Read more...Germany is pretty much a blank slate for many consumers, but with contemporary wine styles that mean there’s all to play for.
Read more...With just one day to go until our The Diversity of Argentina webinar – a must for buyers and those interested in the latest category update – Harpers and Wines of Argentina are inviting final sign ups for this free-to-attend webinar on 27 April at 3pm.
Read more...Bordeaux Wines UK has inveiled a new Christmas campaign aimed at independent wine merchants.
Read more...Accolade Wines is sandwiching two trends together for its latest release: a botanically infused, low abv wine aimed at the younger generation.
Read more...Lebanese winemakers are delving into their history, and are now ready to expand their repertoire from "extracted, luxurious reds” to indigenous whites and terroir-driven styles, an expert on the country has said.
Read more...Maremma in the past decade or so has emerged from the shadow cast by the neighbouring and much-feted Bolgheri, which rather than imparting its prestige to the relative Italian backwater, had instead created for it an expectation of achievement that the region hadn’t so far managed. But this is changing as an exciting medley of wines come to the fore.
Read more...The sweltering bank holiday temperatures, higher than average winter sales and poor French harvests could mean a “potential draught” for rosé wines from Provence, according to Majestic.
Read more...The popularity of drier, paler styles of rosé show no signs of slowing as they inch further and further into the mainstream, with Blossom Hill becoming the latest company to latch onto this consumer-friendly style.
Read more...Provence has long established itself as the darling of rosé of production – pale, pink, dry, with quaffable delicate fruits and a commercially-proven track record which has seen its flagship style imitated by most pink-producing regions across the world.
Read more...Do consumers understand the full extent of Champagne’s diversity? Jo Gilbert investigates