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2015 year in review and hopes and fears for 2016: Ted Sandbach, Oxford Wine Company

Published:  31 December, 2015

Ted Sandbach, managing director and owner of the Oxford Wine Company, looks back at an exciting 2015 with opening of another Wine Cafe and figures are up with his wholesale business.  He is looking forward to enjoying the Great Escape over the Christmas break, but looking to 2016 Sandbach sees more consolidation ahead for the industry.

Ted Sandbach, managing director and owner of the Oxford Wine Company, looks back at an exciting 2015 with opening of another Wine Cafe and figures are up with his wholesale business.  He is looking forward to enjoying the Great Escape over the Christmas break, but looking to 2016 Sandbach sees more consolidation ahead for the industry.

How was 2015 for you and your business? 

Exciting! We opened a new Wine Cafe which is going fantastically well and improved wholesale figures.

What do you think were the most significant things that happened or issues and trends that occurred in 2015?

  • Argentina crying out for more. Very popular.
  • Classic French still dominants and English still and sparkling causing some excitement.
  • Australia sinking slowly.

What opportunities are you most looking forward to working on in 2016?

Revamping our Standlake warehouse, new staff appointments and a tighter, slicker operation. And telling our bank to sod off!!!

What are the biggest challenges facing the trade in 2016?

The supermarkets being so aggressive - and therefore trying to meet margin expectations . 

Who are the people, companies and retailers to watch in 2016?

God knows - so many companies struggling out there so I see more amalgamations and takeovers and a trimming of staff.  

What are you doing for Christmas and New Year?

Planning 2016 and drinking up those odd bottles that no one else wants to buy!!

What will be your favourite tipple over Christmas and New Year?

A clean old fashioned Chablis and a Languedoc red - plus those odd bottles!

Favourite Christmas film?

The Great Escape - a family must. Can't ever gets to grips that this is a true story

Ideal day out over Christmas period? 

Watching the Exeter Chiefs beat Sale in the Rugby on Boxing Day!

What do you want most from Father Christmas? 

For him to get lost before he arrives at my house - bah humbug!!

New Year's resolution

Drink better - drink less.

Delegate ever more than I already do!!

Be nicer to my bank manager and now he has reached legal drinking age I might take him out for a pint.
