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Video: John Torode and Neil McGuigan on their food and wine matching double act

Published:  31 January, 2013

Why have celebrity chef and co-host of BBC's MasterChef, John Torode, and Australian Vintage winemaker, Neil McGuigan become a food and wine matching double act?

So why have celebrity chef and co-host of BBC's MasterChef, John Torode, and Australian Vintage winemaker, Neil McGuigan,  become a food and wine matching double act?

You can watch our mini interview with the pair, compiled by Jenny Mackenzie, at this week's launch of the Neil McGuigan and John Torode Recipe Collection, which promises up to 50 recipe and wine matches designed to be "approachable, affordable and accessible" on the Harpers You Tube channel or click here.

In it Torode says he does not believe it is possible for one individual to be a true expert in both food and wine. To do it well you need the expertise of both chef and a winemaker. Hence his link up with Neil McGuigan. The fact they both come from the same part of the Hunter Valley in Australia also helped.

McGuigan said there is "a lack of confidence in consumers and they are afraid of making mistakes" when it comes to food and wine matching. The recipe collection website aims to be "personal and straightforward", making wine recommendations and food preferences "easy to understand" by removing the "snob factor".

You can read Jenny Mackenzie's full blog of the launch in our blogs section here.
